Monday 19 October 2009

Planning Major Task

A teenage girl has a horrible past. She has killed her overly-obsessive boyfriend one year before. She tried to forget him and that she has killed him, but he didn't forget her and now he has come back to be with her forever and make sure she doesn't forget what she did to him in the night. We will try to do this by fast editing, to make it more interesting and more scary. By editing all of our shots in Black&White, I think this will add to the scary story that we are trying to portray. By making our opening scene very catchy and quite confusing, we think that this will draw an audience to want to watch it, and we will try to do this effectively by cross-cutting shots and having fast editing.I am hoping that our filming goes as well as we plan it to so that our opening can be better as possible. We will be starting this very soon, but we wait for a little bit more nicer weather(Aka. Not raining) to film in. Our indoor shots aren't actually needed until later as our outside on-location shots are our priority for filming at the moment.

Location-wise, we will only be using two different ones.One will be outside in a field, and we want this to give an eerie mood our opening, as it will be quiet and empty, making the audience ask questions.The second will be in Gordonstoun House, in the long empty hallway downstairs. With the correct lighting and filming/editing skills, we could definately make this location very spooky and this is why this place fits our movie genre perfectly.

For our main character, who is female, we have chosen Phoebe Ritchie. For our 'victim/killer' we aren't quiet shure, who we want to choose, so we search for the right actor.

We want our backgrounds to be extremely simple to add to the eerie feel of our opening. Possibly by using make-up on the girl, we can show that she is upset, by smudging her mascara or something, becuase she is runing away, and then she is crying and all the mascara is running down her face.

For props we will need:-A knife-some sort of substance for the colour on the knief, maybe ketchup or something else.
Our opening will be in black and white so it doesn't matter, what we choose for an substance it will be all black.
We want to keep our opening as simple as possible, so as not to give away our entire story in the first 2 minutes, but enough to make people want to watch more.

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