Tuesday 20 October 2009

Dialogue and Audio

Posted by Lisa;-

Today, Annabell and I used our time to create the dialogue for our major task. This is solely because the weather outside was not on our side and we could not do filming on location today.

The way our storyboard is set up, we have shots 2 and 12 with black screens and the audio is speaking.
To do this, we will record audio tracks of our actress speaking.
We also need to record audio tracks of her breathing to play in the background of our 2 minute piece as this is the main suspense builder of our clip.

For shot number two, we are going to use the line;
'What have I done?'
A rhetorical question that intentionally with scare the audience and hopefully make them want to continue watching. This will be followed on with tracks of 'scared' breathing, which is irregular, and we will also use silence too.

For shot number twelve, we have decided on the line;
'He's back for me.'
This will be followed by a silence and a black screen which hopefully will have a jump cut to our Title page with some music that we have chosen.

The title we have settled on is 'Escape'.
Music behind this shot will be a track created and produced by a personal friend.
'I met the sun' - Hawaii Jupiter

This fits well and will hopefully be an interesting contrast to the silence and breathing throughout the first two minutes.

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