Tuesday 23 February 2010

Final Changes to Video

Posted by Lisa Mitchell ;-

Annabell were given advice as to how to improve our video by our teachers. This is how we changed all of these faults:

- The running foot shot is a little bit too dodgy.
We removed the shot of Kims feet. We had originally sped up the clip as the filming of this was a bit too slow. We understand that it did look a little weird and it looks better without the clip.

- The sound editing is clumsy.
We have fixed the sound and tried to make it flow more throughout the film. We have also added in another song.

- The meaning at start is unclear.
To reinforce out storyline, we added a different clip of speech at the beginning which we hope will make the storyline a little bit more clear, but not give away too much.

- The music choice at killing is very 1980’s.
The new song that we have added has been split to an appropriate place, in which it relates to the killing shot in a better way and no longer sounds very 1980's. We did not want this, so we cropped our original song at the part that we didn't like, and used another one.

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