Thursday 14 January 2010


Posted by Lisa Mitchell ;-

After getting feedback we have begun to edit the film that we have. We have realised that our captions take up too much time and therefore makes our clip boring. We are going to do a little bit more filming inside Gordonstoun House in order to make the clip amount to a total of 2 minutes without using too many caption shots and shortening the ones we already have.

I think our story is clear enough but more filming definately still needs to be done.

1 comment:

Gabi + James + Simon said...

I really enjoyed the beginning of your film so far and I think the concept is really well done. Here's a list of the few things I noticed that could be changed or improved:
- 00:26 - The actor looks as though she is running unnaturally fast, is this deliberate?
- When the titles appear on screen all of the sound disappears, maybe it should fade out or continue.
- 00:57 - The phone needs a ring tone.
- 01:35 - The shot of the actor breathing should go on for a little longer as I think it flashes up too quickly.

Well Done,
Gabi Paterson